

BIENVENID@ a tierra blanca

El abandono de animales es actualmente un problema de muy difícil solución con el que se tienen que enfrentar los ayuntamientos de nuestra isla, ya que en numerosos casos los propietarios optan por abandonar a los animales en la vía pública, lo que, además de evidenciar un problema de tipo humanitario, representa un grave problema de salubridad pública y seguridad vial.

Prestar adecuadamente un servicio de apoyo a las corporaciones locales para la acogida de perros abandonados era una necesidad en la isla, por lo que para dar solución a este grave problema el Cabildo de Tenerife inauguró en 2012 el Centro de Protección Animal “Tierra Blanca” en la finca La Valiera, propiedad de esta Administración y que se halla situado en el término municipal de Fasnia. 
Las instalaciones disponen de dos naves con una superficie total de más de 2.600 m2 habilitadas con compartimentos para animales, además de patios exteriores y una clínica veterinaria, entre otras dependencias. 

Fotos de inicio cedidas por Andy.C.R



The animals abandonment is currently a problem of very difficult solution with which the municipalities of our island have to face, since in many cases the owners choose to abandon the animals on the street, which, besides evidencing a humanitarian problem, represents a serious problem of public health and road safety.

Adequately providing a support service to local corporations for the reception of abandoned dogs was a necessity on the island, so in order to solve this serious problem the Cabildo de Tenerife inaugurated in 2012 the Center for Animal Protection "Tierra Blanca" in the rural estate La Valiera, property of this Administration and that is located in the municipal term of Fasnia.

The facilities have two naves with a total area of ​​more than 2,600 m2 with animal compartments, as well as outdoor patios and a veterinary clinic, among other facilities.



Starting on Monday, February 19, the main access to the Center, both for visits and volunteers, will take place through the southern 
entrance due to the start of the improvement and remodeling works. During the course of the works may be occasional closures
or changes in access, so be aware of the indications. Visitors may park in the esplanade attached to the provisional entrance, also access to the facilities will be made by the path of the back.

 Start photographs given by Andy.C.R.











Finca La Valiera
Camino La Valiera, 12 
38570 Los Roques, Fasnia
Santa Cruz de Tenerife



606 500 171